Exposure to benzodiazepines (anxiolytics, hypnotics and related drugs) in seven European electronic healthcare databases: a cross-national descriptive study from the PROTECT-EU Project


Huerta Consuelo1,Abbing-Karahagopian Victoria2,Requena Gema3,Oliva Belén1,Alvarez Yolanda4,Gardarsdottir Helga25,Miret Montserrat6,Schneider Cornelia7,Gil Miguel1,Souverein Patrick C.2,De Bruin Marie L.2,Slattery Jim4,De Groot Mark C. H.2,Hesse Ulrik8,Rottenkolber Marietta9,Schmiedl Sven1011,Montero Dolores1,Bate Andrew12,Ruigomez Ana13,García-Rodríguez Luis Alberto13,Johansson Saga14,de Vries Frank21516,Schlienger Raymond G.17,Reynolds Robert F.18,Klungel Olaf H.219,de Abajo Francisco José320


1. Division of Pharmacoepidemiology and Pharmacovigilance, Medicines for Human Use Department; Spanish Agency for Medicines and Medical Devices (AEMPS); Madrid Spain

2. Utrecht Institute for Pharmaceutical Sciences (UIPS), Division of Pharmacoepidemiology and Clinical Pharmacology; Utrecht University; Utrecht The Netherlands

3. Pharmacology Unit, Department of Biomedical Sciences II, School of Medicine and Health Sciences; University of Alcalá; Madrid Spain

4. European Medicines Agency (EMA); London UK

5. Department of Clinical Pharmacy, Division Laboratory and Pharmacy; University Medical Center Utrecht; Utrecht The Netherlands

6. Merck KGaA; Geneva Switzerland

7. Division Clinical Pharmacy and Epidemiology; University of Basel; Switzerland

8. National Institute for Health Data and Disease Control; Copenhagen Denmark

9. Institute for Medical Information Sciences, Epidemiology, and Biometry; Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitaet München; Munich Germany

10. Department of Clinical Pharmacology, School of Medicine, Faculty of Health; Witten/Herdecke University; Witten Germany

11. Philipp Klee-Institute for Clinical Pharmacology; HELIOS Clinic Wuppertal; Wuppertal Germany

12. Epidemiology; Pfizer Ltd; Tadworth UK

13. Spanish Center for Pharmacoepidemiological Research (CEIFE); Madrid Spain

14. AstraZeneca R&D; Mölndal Sweden

15. MRC Epidemiology Resource Centre; Southampton General Hospital; Southampton UK

16. School CAPHRI; Maastricht University; The Netherlands

17. Quantitative Safety and Epidemiology; Novartis Pharma AG; Basel Switzerland

18. Epidemiology; Pfizer Research & Development; New York USA

19. University Medical Center Utrecht (UMCU); Julius Center for Health Sciences and Primary Care; The Netherlands

20. Clinical Pharmacology Unit; University Hospital Príncipe de Asturias; Madrid Spain


Innovative Medicines Initiative Joint Undertaking

European Union's Seventh Framework Programme

European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries and Association


Astra Zeneca

Top-Institute PHARMA

EU Innovative Medicines Initiative

Merck Serono SA-Geneva

Top Institute Pharma

AstraZeneca R&D, Mölndal, Sweden

Bayer Pharma AG, Berlin, Germany




Pharmacology (medical),Epidemiology

Reference47 articles.

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2. Spanish Agency for Medicines and Medical Devices (AEMPS) Uso de Benzodiacepinas en España (1992-2006) http://www.aemps.gob.es/medicamentosUsoHumano/observatorio/docs/ansioliticos_hipnoticos.pdf 2012

3. Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) Addiction to benzodiazepines and codeine: supporting safer use. July 2011 http://www.mhra.gov.uk/Safetyinformation/DrugSafetyUpdate/CON123123 2012

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