1. 1993. Natural and modified flow modelling of the Peace-Athabasca Delta. Report prepared for the Northern River Basins Study by the Water Planning and Management Branch, Environment Canada: Regina, Saskatchewan.
2. Alberta Environment. 1996. Final report at www.gov.ab.ca/env/water/nrbs/
3. 1996. A numerical modelling analysis of ice jam flooding on the Peace/Slave River, Peace-Athabasca Delta. Peace-Athabasca Delta Technical Studies, Communications: Fort Chipewyan, Canada.
4. 1996. A report of wisdom synthesized from the Traditional Knowledge Component Studies. Northern River Basins Study, Report No. 12. Alberta Environmental Protection: Edmonton, Canada.
5. 1990. Vegetation habitat types of the Peace-Athabasca Delta: 1976-1989. Prepared by Ecosat Geobotanical Surveys Inc. for Parks Canada, Wood Buffalo National Park: Fort Smith, Canada.