1. Global Observing System Experiments on Operational Statistical Retrievals of Satellite Sounding Data
2. 1991 ‘Joint NESDIS/NASA/NMC effort of develop an advanced satellite retrieval system’. Pp. 35–39 in Technical Proceedings of the 6th International TOVS study conference, Airlie, Virginia, 1-6 May 1991. Ed. W. P. Menzel. Report of CIMSS, University of Wisconsin-Madison
3. Medium-Range Forecasting at the ECMWF
4. 1985 ‘The use of satellite data in the French high resolution analysis’. Pp. 89–127 in Proceeding of the ECMWF Workshop on ‘High resolution analysis’, Reading, 24-26 June 1985
5. and 1985 ‘Developments in mesoscale analysis using raw satellite data.’ Pp. 39–57 in Technical Proceedings of the 2nd International TOVS study conference, Igls, Austria, 18-22 February 1985. Ed. W. P. Menzel. Report of CIMSS, university of Wisconsin-Madison