1. Department of Orthopaedic Surgery & Musculoskeletal Medicine Centre for Bioengineering & Nanomedicine University of Otago Christchurch 8011 New Zealand
2. Division of Engineering in Medicine Department of Medicine Brigham and Women s Hospital Harvard Medical School Boston MA 02115 USA
3. Department of Orthopaedics University Medical Centre Utrecht Utrecht University 3584 Utrecht The Netherlands
4. Department for Functional Materials in Medicine and Dentistry at the Institute of Functional Materials and Biofabrication (IFB) and Bavarian Polymer Institute University of Würzburg 97070 Würzburg Germany
5. Phil and Penny Knight Campus for Accelerating Scientific Impact Department of Bioengineering University of Oregon Eugene OR 97403 USA
6. Department of Clinical Sciences Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Utrecht University 3584 Utrecht The Netherlands
7. Graduate School of Biomedical Engineering University of New South Wales Sydney NSW 2052 Australia
8. School of Medical Sciences University of Sydney Camperdown NSW 2006 Australia