1. Institute of Biochemistry and Biophysics; University of Tehran; Tehran Iran
2. Faculty of Biological Science; Tarbiat Modares University; Tehran Iran
3. School of Biology; University of Tehran; Tehran Iran
4. School of Science; University of Zabol; Zabol Iran
5. ENT-HNS Research Center; IRAN University of Medical Sciences (IUMS); Tehran Iran
6. Department of Pharmacology, College of Medicine; University of Saskatchewan; Saskatchewan Canada
7. Department of Medicinal Chemistry, Faculty of Pharmacy; Tehran University of Medical Sciences; Tehran Iran
8. UR 1268 Biopolymères Interactions Assemblages; INRA, équipe Fonctions et Interactions des Protéines; Nantes France
9. Department of Animal Nutrition and Feed Management; Poznan University of Life Sciences; Poznań Poland
10. Center of Excellence in Biothermodynamics; University of Tehran; Tehran Iran