1. ITU Buenos Aires Action Plan, Work programme of the Telecommunication Development Sector for the period of 1994-1998. Programme 7. Improvement of Maintenance. http://www.itu.int/ITU-D/bdtint/baap/sec1_07.html [8 November 2004].
2. http://www.tia.org.uk [8 November 2004].
3. Best Maintenance Practices in Facility Management, White paper, Life Cycle Engineering, Inc., 2001 http://www.reliabilityweb.com/excerpts/excerpts/best_practices_fm.htm [8 November 2004].
4. World-Class Status with Best Practices in Maintenance Management, White Paper, Invensys Systems, Inc., 2002. http://www.invensysips.com/products/avantis/downloads/World-Class%20Status%20with%20Best%20Practices.pdf [8 November 2004].
5. Hiatt BC. Best Practices in Maintenance: A 13 Step Program in Establishing a World Class Maintenance Organization, White paper, Anesta Corp., 2003. http://www.tpmonline.com/articles_on_total_productive_maintenance/management/13steps.htm [8 November 2004].