1. Department of Neurosurgery Dushu Lake Hospital Soochow University Suzhou 205124 China
2. Department of Neurosurgery and Brain and Nerve Research Laboratory the First Affiliated Hospital Soochow University Suzhou 215007 China
3. Texas Children's Cancer Center Texas Children's Hospital Baylor College of Medicine Houston TX 77030 USA
4. Program of Precision Medicine PDOX Modeling of Pediatric Tumors Ann & Robert H. Lurie Children's Hospital of Chicago Department of Pediatrics Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine Chicago IL 60611 USA
5. Department of Pharmacology School of Medicine Sun Yat‐Sen University Shenzhen 518107 China
6. Department of Systems Medicine and Bioegineering Houston Methodist Hospital Research Institute and Cancer Center Weill Cornell Medicine Houston TX 77030 USA
7. Division of Experimental Hematology and Cancer Biology Brain Tumor Center Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center Department of Pediatrics University of Cincinnati College of Medicine Cincinnati United States 45229 United States
8. Humphrey Oei Institute of Cancer Research National Cancer Center Singapore Singapore 169610 Singapore
9. Department of Pathology Texas Children's Hospital Baylor College of Medicine Houston TX 77030 USA
10. Hopp Children's Cancer Center (KiTZ) Heidelberg 69120 Germany
11. Division of Pediatric Neuro‐oncology German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ) and German Cancer Consortium (DKTK) Heidelberg 69120 Germany
12. Department of Pediatric Hematology and Oncology Heidelberg University Hospital Heidelberg 69120 Germany