1. Department of Geology and Geophysics; Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution; Woods Hole Massachusetts USA
2. School of Earth and Environment, University of Leeds and Curlew Cottage; Penrith UK
3. Department of Geological Sciences; Florida State University; Tallahassee Florida USA
4. School of Ocean and Earth Science, Tongji University; Shanghai People's Republic of China
5. Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences; University of Pavia; Pavia Italy
6. Bullard Laboratories, Department of Earth Sciences; University of Cambridge; Cambridge UK
7. Istituto di Scienze Marine, ISMAR-CNR; Bologna Italy
8. Department of Geomorphology; Institute of Earth Sciences, Saint Petersburg State University; St. Petersburg Russia
9. Department of Geology; University of Maryland; College Park Maryland USA
10. Geology and Geography Department; Ohio Wesleyan University; Delaware Ohio USA