1. Isotope Bioscience Laboratory - ISOFYS; Department of Green Chemistry and Technology; Ghent University; Coupure Links 653 9000 Gent Belgium
2. CAVElab, Computational and Applied Vegetation Ecology; Department of Environment; Ghent University; Coupure Links 653 9000 Gent Belgium
3. Department of Earth Sciences; University of Gothenburg; Box 460 405 30 Gothenburg Sweden
4. Sustainable Agroecosystems; Department of Environmental Systems Science; ETH Zürich; Tannenstrasse 1 8092 Zürich Switzerland
5. Laboratory of Soil Science; Department of General Agricultural Sciences; University of Lubumbashi; PO Box 1825 Lubumbashi Democratic Republic of Congo
6. Faculté d'Agronomie; Université Catholique de Bukavu; Avenue de la Mission, Box 285 Bukavu Democratic Republic of Congo
7. Plant Department; Faculty of Science; Université de Kisangani; Kisangani Democratic Republic of Congo