Thermal Structural Behavior of ElectrochemicallyLithiated Graphite (LixC6) Anodes in Li‐ion Batteries


Hölderle Tobias12ORCID,Monchak Mykhailo23ORCID,Baran Volodymyr24ORCID,Kriele Armin5ORCID,Mühlbauer Martin J.23,Dyadkin Vadim6ORCID,Rabenbauer Alfred7ORCID,Schökel Alexander4ORCID,Ehrenberg Helmut3ORCID,Müller‐Buschbaum Peter12ORCID,Senyshyn Anatoliy12ORCID


1. Chair for Functional Materials Department of Physics TUM School of Natural Science Technical University of Munich James-Franck Str. 1 85748 Garching bei München Germany

2. Heinz Maier-Leibnitz Zentrum (MLZ) Technical University of Munich Lichtenbergstr. 1 85748 Garching Germany

3. Institute for Applied Materials (IAM) Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) Hermann-von-Helmholtz-Platz 1 76344 Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen Germany

4. Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY) Notkestr. 85 22607 Hamburg Germany

5. Helmholz-Zentrum hereon GmbH Lichtenbergstraße 1 85748 Garching Germany

6. Swiss-Norwegian Beamlines ESRF-The European Synchrotron Avenue des Martyrs 71 38042 Grenoble Cedex 9 France

7. Lehrstuhl für Synthese und Charakterisierung innovativer Materialien Chemie Department TUM School of Natural Science Technische Universität München Lichtenbergstraße 4 85748 Garching Germany


AbstractA full series of variously lithiated graphite anodes material LixC6 (0<x<1) corresponding to a different state‐of‐charge (SOC) between 0 % and 100 % was collected from 18650‐type cylinder Li‐ion batteries, and the thermal structural behavior of these electrodes was mapped using ex situ high‐resolution X‐ray and neutron diffraction. Their structural behavior was analyzed over a broad temperature range. At high temperatures, a non‐reversible decomposition of the lithiated graphite anodes takes place, accompanied by a loss of intercalated lithium ions, forming novel phases such as LiF and Li2O strongly coupled to the degradation of the solid electrolyte interface (SEI). Complementary calorimetric measurements showed the strongly exothermic chemical reactions during the decomposition matching well to the collected diffraction data. Post mortem analysis applying scanning electron microscopy revealed various morphological features supplementing the treatment of battery anodes and highlighted the importance of the SEI layer during the cycling of the cell and its thermal degradation.


Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft









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