1. V.Forti C. P.Baldé R.Kuehr G. Bel The Global E‐waste Monitor 2020: Quantities flows and the circular economy potential. United Nations University (UNU)/United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) – co‐hosted SCYCLE Programme International Telecommunication Union (ITU) & International Solid Waste Association (ISWA) Bonn/Geneva/Rotterdam. ISBN Digital: 978‐92‐808‐9114‐0 ISBN Print: 978‐92‐808‐9115‐7.
2. University of St Andrews Communications Office Chemical Elements Which Make Up Mobile Phones Placed on ‘Endangered List'. Available at:https://news.st-andrews.ac.uk/archive/chemical-elements-which-makeup-mobile-phones-placed-on-endangered-list(accessed: September 16 2021).
3. Circular chemistry to enable a circular economy
4. https://scroll.in/article/913428/in-india-e-waste-recycling-comes-at-a-heavy-cost-to-workers-health-and-environment(accessed: September 24 2021).