1. Institute of Nanotechnology (INT) and Karlsruhe Nano Micro Facility (KNMF) Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) Hermann‐von‐Helmholtz‐Platz 1 76344 Eggenstein‐Leopoldshafen Germany
2. Institute for Applied Materials (IAM‐ESS) Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) Hermann‐von‐Helmholtz‐Platz 1 76344 Eggenstein‐Leopoldshafen Germany
3. n.able GmbH Hermann‐von‐Helmholtz‐Platz 1 76344 Eggenstein‐Leopoldshafen Germany
4. Cryo Electron Microscopy Centre for Advanced Materials (CAM) Heidelberg University Im Neuenheimer Feld 225 69120 Heidelberg Germany
5. 3DMM2O Cluster of Excellence (EXC_2082/1‐390761711) and Cryo Electron Microscopy BioQuant Heidelberg University Im Neuenheimer Feld 267 69120 Heidelberg Germany
6. 3DMM2O Cluster of Excellence (EXC_2082/1‐390761711) and Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology Offenburg University of Applied Sciences Badstraße 24 77652 Offenburg Germany