1. School of Pharmacy; University of Oslo; Oslo Norway
2. Department of Clinical Pharmacology; St. Olav's University Hospital; Trondheim Norway
3. Department of Laboratory Medicine; Children's and Women's Health; Norwegian University of Science and Technology; Trondheim Norway
4. Finnish Medicines Agency; Kuopio Finland
5. Research and Development; Sahlgrenska University Hospital; Gothenburg Sweden
6. School of Pharmaceutical Sciences; University of Geneva and Lausanne; Geneva Switzerland
7. Children's Hospital Srebrnjak; Neuropediatric Unit; Zagreb Croatia
8. Clinical Institute of Medical Genetics; University Medical Centre Ljubljana; Ljubljana Slovenia
9. Department of Social Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Legislation; Faculty of Pharmacy; University of Belgrade; Belgrade Serbia
10. Faculty of Pharmacy; Medical University of Lublin; Lublin Poland
11. School of Pharmacy; University of East Anglia, Norwich Research Park; UK
12. Research Unit Human Teratogens; Institute for Cell Biology; Histology and Embryology; Medical University of Graz; Graz Austria
13. The Motherisk Program; Division of Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology; The Hospital for Sick Children; University of Toronto; Ontario Canada
14. MotherSafe; Royal Hospital for Women and University of NSW; Randwick Australia
15. APHP; GH HUPS; Hop Antoine Béclère; Service Pharmacie; Clamart France and Européenne de Formation pour les Pharmaciens; France
16. Northwest Medical Center for Drug Safety in Pregnancy & Lactation; Northwest State Medical University n.a.I.I.Mechnikov; St. Petersburg Russia
17. Teratology Information Service (TIS); Netherlands Pharmacovigilance Centre Lareb; The Netherlands
18. Division of Mental Health; Norwegian Institute of Public Health; Oslo Norway