1. Toxalim Toulouse University INRAE ENVT INP‐Purpan UPS Toulouse 31027 France
2. MetaboHUB‐MetaToul National Infrastructure of Metabolomics and Fluxomics Toulouse 31077 France
3. French Network for Nutrition and Cancer Research (NACRe Network) Jouy‐en‐Josas 78352 France
4. Plateforme Genome et Transcriptome (GeT‐Biopuces) Toulouse Biotechnology Institute (TBI) Université ide Toulouse CNRS INRAE INSA 135 avenue de Rangueil Toulouse F‐31077 France
5. Sorbonne Paris Nord University INSERM U1153 INRAe U1125 CNAM Nutritional Epidemiology Research Team (EREN) Epidemiology and Statistics Research Center – University of Paris (CRESS) 74 rue Marcel Cachin Bobigny 93017 France