1. National Soil Erosion Research Laboratory USDA‐ARS West Lafayette IN USA
2. Dep. of Agronomy Purdue Univ. West Lafayette IN USA
3. Soil Drainage Research Unit USDA‐ARS Columbus OH USA
4. Dep. of Plant and Soil Sciences Univ. of Kentucky Lexington KY USA
5. Rangeland Resources Research Unit USDA‐ARS Fort Collins CO USA
6. Cropping Systems and Water Quality Research Unit USDA‐ARS Columbia MO USA
7. Kentucky Geological Survey Univ. of Kentucky Henderson KY USA
8. Northwest Irrigation and Soils Research Lab USDA‐ARS Kimberly ID USA
9. Southeast Watershed Research Laboratory USDA‐ARS Tifton GA USA
10. Buck Island Ranch Archbold Biological Station Lake Placid FL USA
11. Dep. of Animal and Range Science New Mexico State Univ. Las Cruces NM USA
12. Dep. of Soil and Water Resources Univ. of Idaho Moscow ID USA
13. Systems and Watershed Management Research Unit USDA‐ARS University Park PA USA
14. Sustainable Agricultural Systems Laboratory USDA‐ARS Beltsville MD USA
15. Dep. of Plant and Soil Science Univ. of Vermont Burlington VT USA
16. Soil and Water Management Unit USDA‐ARS St. Paul MN USA
17. Grazinglands Research Laboratory USDA‐ARS El Reno OK USA
18. W.K. Kellogg Biological Station Michigan State Univ. Hickory Corners MI USA
19. Range Cattle Research and Education Center Univ. of Florida Ona FL USA
20. Agroecosystems Management Research USDA‐ARS Ames IA USA
21. Northern Great Plains Research Laboratory USDA‐ARS Mandan ND USA
22. Dep. of Crop and Soil Sciences North Carolina State Univ. Raleigh NC USA
23. Dep. of Geography and Environmental Management Univ. of Waterloo Waterloo ON Canada
24. Dep. of Agronomy Kansas State Univ. Manhattan KS USA
25. USDA‐ARS, Jornada Experimental Range Las Cruces NM USA
26. USDA‐ARS, Delta Water Management Research Unit, Arkansas State Univ. Jonesboro AR USA
27. Grassland, Soil and Water Research Laboratory USDA‐ARS Temple TX USA
28. Dep. of Crop, Soil, and Environmental Sciences Univ. of Arkansas Fayetteville AR USA
29. Science and Technology Branch, Brandon Research and Development Centre Agriculture and Agri‐Food Canada Brandon MB Canada
30. National Sedimentation Laboratory USDA‐ARS Oxford MS USA