1. Throughout this paper the names “isatoic anhydride” and “2H-3,1-benzoxazine-2,4(1H)dione” are used interchangeably. Commercial sources still prefer the first one whereas Chemical Abstract subscribes to the latter. We have adopted the Chemical Abstract numbering system, but we feel that it will be easier for the reader if we say “N-unsubstituted isatoic anhydride” rather than “N-unsubstituted-2H-3,1-benzoxazine-2,4(1H)dione”.
2. Constitution und Verhalten der „Isatosäure”︁
3. Chemistry of Isatoic Anhydride, Comm. Bulletin, Maumee Chemicals, page 1A and 2A.
4. Chemistry of Isatoic Anhydride, Comm. Bulletin, Maumee Chemicals, page 3A.