1. Ospedale SS.ma Annunziata; Reparto di Patologia Medica; via dei Vestini 31 Chieti Scalo Italy 66013
2. Academic Medical Center, University of Amsterdam; Department of Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics; Room J1b-214, PO Box 22700 Amsterdam Netherlands 1100 DE
3. University G D'Annunzio; Department of Internal Medicine; 31 Via dei Vestini Chieti Chieti Italy 66100
4. Academic Medical Center; Department of Vascular Medicine; Meibergdreef, 9 P.O. Box 22660 Amsterdam Netherlands 1105 AZ
5. University of Bern; Division of Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics, Institute of Social and Preventive Medicine; Finkenhubelweg 11 Bern Switzerland 3012