An enhanced arithmetic optimization algorithm for optimal control of reactive power


Sahay Shuvam1ORCID,Upputuri Ramanaiah1ORCID,Kumari Pooja1,Kumar Niranjan1


1. Electrical Engineering Department NIT Jamshedpur Jamshedpur India


AbstractIn this article, an enhanced arithmetic optimization algorithm (EAOA) is utilized to resolve the optimal reactive power dispatch problem (ORPD) of power plants, which is a non‐linear, non‐smooth, complex optimization problem. Typically, it is formulated as a constrained optimal power flow problem. This paper utilizes the gamma distribution to generate initial random solutions, which improves the accuracy of the arithmetic optimization algorithm (AOA). The original mode of deviation of math optimizer accelerated (MOA) is replaced with the improved pattern of change in the prey's energy in Harris Hawk Optimization (HHO), which creates a superior balance between the exploration and exploitation of AOA. This paper implements logarithmic and exponential operators in place of division and multiplication operators, which improves the exploration ability of AOA and also utilizes the gamma distribution in the generation of random numbers, which are essential for the selection of operators in both search phase which enlarges the search area and improves the global optimum solution. A parametric analysis is performed on 10 benchmark functions for nine possible values before selecting the algorithm's initial parameters. A comparative statistical analysis along with Friedman's test is carried out on 23 benchmark functions to test the overall performance as compared to Sine‐Cosine Algorithm (SCA), Swarm‐Salp Algorithm, Grey Wolf Optimization (GWO), and basic Arithmetic Optimization Algorithm (AOA). EAOA is applied to the IEEE 57 bus system for optimal reactive power control. EAOA reports a significant reduction in a power loss of 23.2 MW, which is 18.596% smaller than the system's base case power loss of 28.5 MW as compared to Artificial Bee Colony (ABC), Firefly Algorithm (FA), Bat‐inspired Algorithm (BAT), Cuckoo Search Algorithm (CSA), and Modified Ant Lion Algorithm (MALO) which reports a reduction in a power loss of 14.73%, 15.43%, 15.43%, 16.14%, and 16.14% respectively. EAOA reduces the TVD to 0.76 pu, compared to ABC, FA, BAT, CSA, and MALO, which minimizes the TVD to 0.84, 0.82, 0.88, 0.82, and 0.79, respectively. This proves that EAOA performs better in resolving ORCP problems regarding the quality of solutions and convergence. A detailed comparative statistical analysis of EAOA with CSA, BAT, and WOA (Whale Optimization Algorithm) is conducted in terms of Probability Distribution Functions (PDF) and Cumulative Distribution Functions (CDF), along with the Wilcoxson sign rank test, which proves that EAOA gives the solution with a higher degree of precision.




Applied Mathematics,Control and Optimization,Software,Control and Systems Engineering

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