1. Laboratory of Food Sciences, School of Nutrition, Food Science and Technology, Faculty of Agronomic Sciences University of Abomey‐Calavi Cotonou Benin
2. Laboratory of Food Analysis, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Fundamental and Applied Research for Animals & Health (FARAH), Veterinary Public Health (VPH) University of Liege Liège Belgium
3. Department of Mechanic and Energetic Engineering Polytechnic School of Abomey‐Calavi, University of Abomey‐Calavi Cotonou Benin
4. Laboratory of Food and Environmental Microbiology Earth and Life Institute‐ Applied Microbiology Louvain‐la‐Neuve Belgium
5. Department of biomedical and preclinic Sciences, Faculty of Medicine University of Liège Liège Belgium