Variability in molar crown morphology and cusp wear in two Western chimpanzee populations


Stuhlträger Julia12ORCID,Kullmer Ottmar34,Wittig Roman M.567,Kupczik Kornelius18,Schulz‐Kornas Ellen1910


1. Former Max Planck Weizmann Center for Integrative Archaeology and Anthropology, Department of Human Evolution Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology Leipzig Germany

2. Group Animal Husbandry and Ecology, Group Animal Breeding, Institute of Agricultural and Nutritional Sciences Martin‐Luther University Halle‐Wittenberg Halle (Saale) Germany

3. Division of Paleoanthropology Senckenberg Research Institute and Natural History Museum Frankfurt Frankfurt am Main Germany

4. Department of Paleobiology and Environment, Institute of Ecology, Evolution, and Diversity Goethe University Frankfurt Frankfurt am Main Germany

5. Department of Primatology Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology Leipzig Germany

6. Taï Chimpanzee Project CSRS Abidjan Ivory Coast

7. Institute for Cognitive Sciences CNRS UMR5229 University Claude Bernard Lyon 1 Bron France

8. Department of Anthropology, Faculty of Social Sciences University of Chile Santiago de Chile Chile

9. Department of Cariology, Endodontics and Periodontology University of Leipzig Leipzig Germany

10. Section Mammalogy and Palaeoanthropology Leibniz Institute for the Analysis of Biodiversity Change and University of Hamburg Hamburg Germany


AbstractObjectivesChimpanzees(Pan troglodytes)possess a relatively generalized molar morphology allowing them to access a wide range of foods. Comparisons of crown and cusp morphology among the four subspecies have suggested relatively large intraspecific variability. Here, we compare molar crown traits and cusp wear of two geographically close populations of Western chimpanzees,P. t. verus, to provide further information on intraspecific dental variability.Materials and MethodsMicro‐CT reconstructions of high‐resolution replicas of first and second molars of two Western chimpanzee populations from Ivory Coast (Taï National Park) and Liberia, respectively were used for this study. First, we analyzed projected tooth and cusp 2D areas as well as the occurrence of cusp six (C6) on lower molars. Second, we quantified the molar cusp wear three‐dimensionally to infer how the individual cusps alter with advancing wear.ResultsBoth populations are similar in their molar crown morphology, except for a higher appearance rate of a C6 in Taï chimpanzees. In Taï chimpanzees, lingual cusps of upper molars and buccal cusps of lower molars possess an advanced wear pattern compared to the remaining cusps, while in Liberian chimpanzees this wear gradient is less pronounced.DiscussionThe similar crown morphology between both populations fits with previous descriptions for Western chimpanzees and provides additional data on dental variation within this subspecies. The wear pattern of the Taï chimpanzees are in concordance with their observed tool rather than tooth use to open nuts/seeds, while the Liberian chimpanzees may have consumed hard food items crushed between their molars.





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