1. Quadakkers , W.J. Malkow , T. Piron-Abellan , J. Flesch , U. Shemet , V. Singheiser , L. Suitability of Ferritic Steels for Application as Construction Materials for SOFC Interconnects Proc. 4 th Europ. Fuel Cell Forum, 10-14 July 2000 Lucerne, Switzerland A. J. McEvoy 827
2. Kofstad , P. High Temperature Oxidation of Chromium and Chromia-Forming Alloys Proc. 4 th Europ. Fuel Cell Forum 1996 Oslo, Norway B. Thorstensen 2 479
3. Das , D. Miller , M. Nickel , H. Hilpert , K. Chromium Evaporation from SOFC Interconnector Alloys and Degradation Process by Chromium Transport Proc. 1 st Europ. Fuel Cell Forum 1994 Lucerne, Switzerland U. Bossel 703
4. Chromium Vapor Species over Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Interconnect Materials and Their Potential for Degradation Processes