1. Human Nutrition Research Centre and Institute of Health and Society; Newcastle University; Newcastle upon Tyne UK
2. Human Nutrition Research Centre; Institute of Cellular Medicine; Newcastle University; Newcastle upon Tyne UK
3. UCD School of Agriculture and FoodScience; Institute of Food and Health; University College Dublin (UCD); Belfield Dublin Ireland
4. Hugh Sinclair Unit of Human Nutrition and Institute for Cardiovascular and Metabolic Health; University of Reading; Reading UK
5. Department of Human Biology; NUTRIM School of Nutrition and Translational Research in Metabolism; Maastricht University Medical Centre; Maastricht The Netherlands
6. Department of Nutrition; Food Science and Physiology; University of Navarra; Pamplona Spain
7. CIBER Fisiopatología de la Obesidad y Nutrición (CIBERobn); Instituto de Salud Carlos III; Madrid Spain
8. ZIEL Research Center of Nutrition and Food Sciences; Biochemistry Unit; Technische Universität München; Munich Germany
9. Department of Nutrition and Dietetics; Harokopio University; Athens Greece
10. National Food & Nutrition Institute; Warsaw Poland
11. Department of Human Nutrition; Faculty of Health Science; Medical University of Warsaw; Poland
12. Vitas AS; Oslo Norway
13. Department of Nutrition; Institute of Basic Medical Sciences; Faculty of Medicine; University of Oslo; Oslo Norway
14. IMDEA Alimentación; Madrid Spain