1. LihAIII BrodyEPJr MillspaughR Lih‐BrodyL.LifeVac—A Novel Apparatus for the Resuscitation of a Choking Victim.
2. The efficacy of two commercially available devices for airway foreign body relief: A cadaver study
3. BrodyEJr.(BS. Mech Eng Cooper Union MS. comp Sci NYU Polytechnic). Vacuum generated by LifeVac apparatus in a closed system versus pressures generated by chest compressions and Heimlich manoeuvre in cadavers with complete airway obstruction.
4. DunneCL PedenAE QueirogaAC Gomez GonzalezC ValescoB SzpilmanD.A systematic review on the effectiveness of anti‐choking suction devices and identification of research gaps.
5. The efficacy and usability of suction-based airway clearance devices for foreign body airway obstruction: a manikin randomised crossover trial