1. School of Medicine and Health Technical University of Munich Munich Germany
2. Research Institute for Sport and Exercise Sciences Liverpool John Moores University Liverpool UK
3. Research Unit for Orthopaedic Sports Medicine and Injury Prevention (OSMI) UMIT TIROL ‐ Private University for Health Sciences and Health Technology Innsbruck Austria
4. Faculty of Sport and Health Sciences, NeuroMuscular Research Center University of Jyväskylä Jyväskylä Finland
5. Institute of Sport Science University of the Bundeswehr Munich Neubiberg Germany
6. Institute of Sport Science and Innovations Lithuanian Sports University Kaunas Lithuania
7. Department of Health Promotion and Rehabilitation Lithuanian Sports University Kaunas Lithuania
8. Bavarian Center for Biomolecular Mass Spectrometry Technical University of Munich Munich Germany
9. Department of Life Sciences Manchester Metropolitan University Manchester UK
10. Sports and Exercise Medicine Centre Queen Mary University of London London UK