1. Department of Electrical and Electronic Information Engineering Toyohashi University of Technology, Hibarigaoka1‐1, Tempaku‐cho Toyohashi 441‐8580 Japan
Epoxy resins (EP) are commonly used to power apparatus due to their excellent electrical, thermal, and mechanical properties. Two types of EP resins were prepared to develop the varnishes for a rotating machine winding. A bifunctional alicyclic EP were used as an EP main resin, and an acid anhydride [mixture of hexahydro phthalic anhydride and methyl hexahydro phthalic anhydride (HHPA), or methyl nadic anhydride (NMA)] were used as a curing agent. The DC and impulse breakdown strengths of the EP‐HHPA were higher than that of EP‐NMA regardless of the applied voltage waveform and the temperature. The PDIV of the twisted pair sample coated with EP‐HHPA under the surge voltage application was also higher than that of twisted pair sample without the coating with EP resin and that with EP‐NMA. Furthermore, the transferred and/or accumulated charge amount of the EP‐HHAP on bulk and surface properties at high temperatures were superior to that of EP‐NMA. From these results, it is considered that EP‐HHPA may be preferable varnishes materials than EP‐NMA for a rotating machine winding. © 2023 Institute of Electrical Engineer of Japan and Wiley Periodicals LLC.
Electrical and Electronic Engineering