1. Moscow State Regional Pedagogical University
The purpose of the study is to describe the features of socialization in the digital space using the example of changes in the behavior of children, adolescents, high school students and young people. The study sample is represented by adolescents with socialization disorders (risk-taking, aggressive, self-aggressive, with deviant behavior, ostracized). The research methods are: a questionnaire in relation to risk, a survey on the topic of hobbies and communication on the Internet. We examined the characteristics of two social groups of adolescents studying in general education organizations — the cadet corps and a regular secondary school.
The main results made it possible to identify the attitude of adolescents towards risk, the characteristics of the needs of adolescents of two social groups: the need for communication, interaction with peers, the need for respect and recognition, the need to meet expectations. The results showed that negative manifestations of need satisfaction are changes in behavior: constant communication on the Internet with strangers, imposing communication with negative content on peers in chat rooms, inviting a friend to visit different sites, etc. Teenagers from general education organizations show themselves to be more confident Internet users.
Chelyabinsk State University
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