Negative Events Related to School Functioning and Their Relationship with the Risk of Depression in Adolescents


Karaush I.1ORCID,Kupriyanova I.2ORCID,Dashieva B.2ORCID


1. V.P. Serbsky National Medical Research Center for Psychiatry and Narcology

2. National Research Medical Centre


Negative experiences experienced by adolescents can cause the risk of developing mental health disorders, social maladaptation and academic problems. The aim of the study is to identify the risk of depression in adolescents in connection with experienced negative life events. The study involved 507 students of urban and rural secondary schools aged 12–17 years (median, quartiles 14 [14; 15]), 47.5% boys, 52.5% girls. The M. Kovacs Depression Scale (Children's Depression Inventory, CDI) and the Adolescent Mental Life Events Scale (ASLEC) were used. With adolescents who showed a high level of risk of depression on the CDI scale, an additional clinical interview was conducted. It is shown that adolescents perceive most of the negative events they have experienced as significant. A significant proportion of them account for life events related to school functioning, while no significant differences were found in the groups of boys and girls. It is suggested that the events experienced by students related to school functioning, in the absence of a statistically significant relationship with the risk of depression, may still increase the risk of depression in the presence of events in the life of adolescents related to family functioning (family conflicts, physical punishment in the family) and psychological factors (criticism or punishment). The data obtained concerning the frequency of experiencing negative life events related to the school sphere and noted by respondents as significant, make it necessary to work with teachers in the context of health-preserving psychological and pedagogical support.


Federal State-Financed Educational Institution of Higher Education Moscow State University of Psychology and Education


General Medicine

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