1. School of Earth and Space Exploration Arizona State University P.O. Box 876004 Tempe Arizona 85287-6004 USA
2. Université Côte d'Azur Observatoire de la Côte d'Azur IRD CNRS Géoazur 250 rue Albert Einstein Sophia Antipolis 06560 Valbonne France
3. Department of Earth and Space Sciences University of Washington P.O. Box 351310 Seattle Washington 98195-1310 USA
4. Boone Pickens School of Geology Oklahoma State University 105 Noble Research Center Stillwater OK 74078-3031 USA
Observations of fault geometry and cumulative slip distribution serve as critical constraints on fault behavior over temporal scales ranging from a single earthquake to a fault’s complete history. The increasing availability of high-resolution topography (at least one observation per square meter) from air- and spaceborne platforms facilitates measuring geometric properties along faults over a range of spatial scales. However, manually mapping faults and measuring slip or scarp height is time-intensive, limiting the use of rich topography datasets. To substantially decrease the time required to analyze fault systems, we developed a novel approach for systematically mapping dip-slip faults and measuring scarp height. Our MATLAB algorithm detects fault scarps from topography by identifying regions of steep relief given length and slope parameters calibrated from a manually drawn fault map. We applied our algorithm to well-preserved normal faults in the Volcanic Tablelands of eastern California using four datasets: (1) structure-from-motion topography from a small uncrewed aerial system (sUAS; 20 cm resolution), (2) airborne laser scanning (25 cm), (3) Pléiades stereosatellite imagery (50 cm), and SRTM (30 m) topography. The algorithm and manually mapped fault trace architectures are consistent for primary faults, although can differ for secondary faults. On average, the scarp height profiles are asymmetric, suggesting fault lateral propagation and along-strike variations in the fault’s mechanical properties. We applied our algorithm to Arizona and Utah with a specific focus on the normal Hurricane fault where the algorithm mapped faults and other prominent topographic features well. This analysis demonstrates that the algorithm can be applied in a variety of geomorphic and tectonic settings.
Oklahoma State University
Agence Nationale de la Recherche
Université Côte d’Azur
Arizona State University
National Science Foundation
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6 articles.