Hydrogeochemistry in landslide research: a review


Bogaard Thom12,Guglielmi Yves3,Marc Vincent4,Emblanch Christophe4,Bertrand Catherine5,Mudry Jacques5


1. ‘Faculty of Geosciences’, Dept. Physical Geography, Utrecht University, Po. Box 80115, NL-3508 TC Utrecht, Netherlands. E-mail: t.bogaard@geo.uu.nl

2. Currently at: Water Resources Section, Delft University of Technology, Po Box 5048, NL-2600 Delft, The Netherlands.

3. ‘Géosciences Azur’, UMR 6526 CNRS-UNSA-IRD, 250 Rue Albert Einstein, F-06560, Valbonne Sophia-Antipolis, France.

4. ‘Laboratoire d’Hydrogéologie de l’Université d’Avignon’, EA 2665, LHA, University of Avignon & Pays de Vaucluse, Faculté des Sciences, 33 rue Louis Pasteur, F-84000 Avignon, France.

5. ‘Geosciences: Deformation, Flow, Transfer’, EA 2642, University of Franche-Comté, La Bouloie, F-25030 Besançon, France.


Abstract This review aims to give an overview of the potential hydrogeochemical information can have for landslide research and analyses the use of hydrogeochemical information to unravel the hydrological processes in landslide triggering. Landslides are well known for their data shortage; especially in case the hydrogeology is heterogeneous and difficult to measure. In this article we analyse the impact hydrogeochemical processes has on physical properties of the soil material and rock slopes, i.e. the relation with deformation rate and the relation of pore fluid composition and residual shear strength of soil material. Furthermore, the paper looks at the subsurface information that can be gained, i.e. the geological information of subsurface architecture and the hydrological information on origin of water, flow paths and travel times (using isotope analyses). Hydrochemical information used in both hard and soft rocks enables the display of clusters of water types, which is useful to identify contribution of different aquifers to the landslide area. Moreover, it can demonstrate the existence of lithologies and structures that are not visible with surface based geological investigations. Kinetic-based modelling is shown to be very useful in the interpretation of hydrogeochemical information. Lastly, it is shown that chemical information such as cation exchange properties coming from cored drilling is worthwhile for hydrological interpretations of landslides.


EDP Sciences



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