Assessment of urban landslide groundwater characteristics and origin using artificial tracers, hydro-chemical and stable isotope approaches


Mammoliti Elisa,Fronzi Davide,Palpacelli Stefano,Biagiola Noemi,Tazioli Alberto


AbstractIn the framework of landslides, the hydrogeological features play an essential role in slope stability, governing water movement and thus resulting in modification of the effective stress in the soil. In this framework, the hydrogeological conceptualization of landslide areas and the identification of groundwater origin are key points to developing risk mitigation measures. In fact, groundwater recharge cannot always be attributed to local precipitation alone. Mixing processes between water derived from local infiltration and deep water upflow along tectonic lineaments or anthropogenic water can affect the groundwater balance on a local scale. This study aims to define the potential groundwater origin of one of the highest risk urban landslides in central Italy and to define a hydrogeological conceptual model by exploiting its existing drainage system network. This research is based on a multiple-techniques approach based on hydrological water balance, artificial tracer tests during recharge period, seasonal monitoring of the water stable-isotope content, hydro-chemical survey during low-flow periods, and analysis of the piezometric level fluctuation. All these analyses are coupled with a detailed reconstruction of the geology of the area depicted from boreholes and drill holes. Two groundwater bodies have been evidenced from the study. The shallower one is located in the landslide unstable zone and is hydraulically connected to a deeper groundwater body hosted in the underlying bedrock. Results highlighted that the local rainfall regime could not fully explain the hydro-chemical facies. Local water contributions to the landslide area coming from leakage of the urban sewerage system have been evidenced, excluding deep groundwater upflow from the fault system.


Università Politecnica delle Marche


Springer Science and Business Media LLC


Earth-Surface Processes,Geology,Pollution,Soil Science,Water Science and Technology,Environmental Chemistry,Global and Planetary Change

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