Developing the agro-industrial complex of Russia and ensuring the food security of the country under sanctions




1. National Research Lobachevsky State University of Nizhny Novgorod (UNN)


Subject. The article addresses the activities of the agro-industrial complex of Russia to ensure the country's food security in the context of sanctions, using the case of the most important sectors of crop production. Objectives. The aims are to perform a retrospective analysis of the grain and sugar beet industries development in Russia, to describe the role of the agro-industrial complex of the Russian Federation in ensuring the country's food security in the context of foreign trade restrictions. Methods. The study employs methods of analysis and synthesis, grouping and comparison, abstraction, generalization, and analogy. The dynamics of the main parameters characterizing the activity of the most important branches of crop production was analyzed on the basis of statistical data, using the methods of mathematical modeling and systems analysis. Results. The presented analysis helped identify the main trends in the development of the grain and sugar beet subcomplexes of the agro-industrial complex, to assess the achieved levels of provision of the population with the main food resources and the processing industries of the agro-industrial complex of Russia with agricultural resources. The achieved levels of provision with food resources correspond to the viewpoints of specialists and the World Health Organization on rational levels of consumption. Conclusions. At present Russia has a real opportunity to maintain a high level of consumption of agricultural products by the population, to provide the processing industry with agricultural raw materials, to increase the export of agricultural products of the most important sectors of the agro-industrial complex.


Publishing House Finance and Credit


Automotive Engineering

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