Strategic aspects of OTSW analysis of the residential real estate market in Moscow during the contingency period




1. Moscow School of Economics, Lomonosov Moscow State University


Subject. The article addresses the OTSW analysis of the residential real estate market of Moscow during the contingency period caused by cyclical growth of housing prices, speculative expectations, and an increase in the debt burden of the population. Objectives. The aim is to identify strategic opportunities that form the potential development of all regional economic actors in the housing market. For each strategic opportunity of the actors, the paper aims to identify threats formed by the contingency period, reveal strengths and weaknesses that would help realize opportunities and minimize the effect of existing and potential threats to the development of the housing market. Methods. The analysis rests on the methodology of strategizing by academician V.L. Kvint. Results. Based on the strategic analysis of the residential real estate market that confirms the presence of characteristics of the contingency period in the Moscow housing market, I formulated strategic opportunities of involved actors that reduce the negative impact of emerging threats of the phenomenon under consideration. The findings can be used by government agencies to identify and implement strategic opportunities of actors of the regional real estate market, should the contingency period occur. Conclusions. The study demonstrated that despite the potentially significant impact of emergence of characteristics of the contingency period in the Moscow housing market on strategic stability of the considered element of the regional socio-economic system, the phenomenon’s negative impact can be minimized by increasing the efficiency of the strategic management system and optimizing the use of limited resources.


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