1. Independent Unit of Propaedeutics and Dental Physicodiagnostics, Pomeranian Medical University Szczecin, Al. Powstańców Wielkopolskich 72, 70-111 Szczecin, Poland
2. Faculty of Technology and Education, Koszalin University of Technology, Ul. Śniadeckich 2, 75-453 Koszalin, Poland
3. Institute for Nanomaterials, Advanced Technologies and Innovation, Technical University of Liberec, Studentská 1402/2, 46117 Liberec 1, Czech Republic
4. Department of Material Science, Technical University of Liberec, Studentská 1402/2, 46117 Liberec 1, Czech Republic
5. Doctorate Studies, Pomeranian Medical University, Szczecin, Ul. Rybacka 1, 70-204 Szczecin, Poland
6. Department of Genetics and Pathology, Pomeranian Medical University, Ul. Unii Lubelskiej 1, 71-252 Szczecin, Poland
7. Department of Electroradiology, State School of Applied Sciences, Ul. Nowy Świat 4, 62-800 Kalisz, Poland