1. K. C. RUSSELL: in ‘Phase transformations’, 219; 1970, Metals Park, OH, American Society for Metals.
2. X. I. AARONSON and J. K. LEE: in ‘Lectures on the theory of phase transformations’, (ed. I. Aaronson), 83; 1975, New York, American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical, and Petroleum Engineers.
3. Nucleation in solids: The induction and steady state effects
4. D. DE FONTAINE: in ‘Metallurgical treatises’, (ed. J. K. Tien and J. F. Elliott), 423; 1981, Warrendale, PA, Metallurgical Society of AIME.
5. H. I. AARONSON and K. C. RUSSELL: in ‘Proc. of int. conf. on solid—solid phase transformations’; (ed. H. I. Aaronson et al.), 371, 1983, Warrendale, PA, Metallurgical Society of AIME.