1. National Clinical Urological Hospital named after Academician M. D. Javad-zade of the Ministry of Health of the Azerbaijan Republic
In the general structure of chronic renal failure, up to 40% is terminal chronic renal failure requiring replacement renal therapy, particularly hemodialysis, peritoneal dialysis, and kidney transplantation. Azerbaijan has an annual increase in the number of patients with chronic renal failure by 10–12 per cent. In 2006, the State Program of Measures for Chronic Renal Failure 2006–2011 was adopted to reduce the prevalence and improve the quality of treatment for chronic renal failure. The implementation of this program allowed to create a state register of patients with chronic renal failure, expand the network of hemodialysis centers, increase availability in medicines, use modern methods of early diagnosis and prevention of chronic renal failure. In order to further improve nephrological assistance, the second stage of the State Program for the Reduction of Chronic Renal Insufficiency in Azerbaijan for 2011–2016 years has been adopted. The effectiveness of Program to reduce chronic renal insufficiency in Azerbaijan has been demonstrated by the improvement of the quality of medical care, the increase in life expectancy and the reduction of mortality. It should be noted that thanks to this Program, the number of patients receiving hemodialysis per 21.0–25.0% increases annually. In 2010, the Republican Clinical Urological Hospital opened a kidney transplant center. The main objectives of the Program are to reduce mortality from chronic renal failure, Increasing hemodialysis centers according to the number of patients with chronic renal failure and kidney transplant operations. In 2016, the State Program of chronic renal failure for 2016–2020 was adopted. Some progress has been made during the implementation of the State Program. In many parts of the Azerbaijan, the population is provided with dialysis assistance free of charge from the State budget. By January 1, 2020, there are 3 kidney transplantation centers and 45 hemodialysis centers equipped with 716 dialysis devices.
Publishing Center Science and Practice
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