Regenerative Activity of the Skin and Burn Wound Healing in Adults and Children With Second Degree Burns


Abdullaeva Zh.ORCID,Abdullaev D.ORCID,Kalmatov R.ORCID


Improving the regenerative activity of the skin is necessary for the timely healing of burn wounds. The regenerative activity of the skin epithelium varies in patients of different ages. To investigate age-related features of the regenerative activity of the skin epithelium and healing of burn wounds in adults and children with second-degree burns and to determine the effectiveness of silver nanoparticles in the healing and treatment of burn wounds. Patients of the Osh Interregional United Clinical Hospital with second-degree burn disease were studied. A literary review of the results of modern scientific, domestic and foreign literature and clinical recommendations for burn wound regeneration was carried out. Results showed that burn wound healing occurs faster in younger patients due to the sufficient content of immune cells fibroblasts, mast cells, macrophages and antigen presenting cells that influence wound healing. Conclusions: Improvement of the treatment results of patients with local burns can be achieved through the development and implementation of new methods of wound healing local therapy using silver nanoparticles. To develop a new method of local treatment of patients with superficial I-II degree burns and evaluate its therapeutic effectiveness.


Publishing Center Science and Practice

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