Industrial System of the Russian Federation: Factors of Growth and Development


Strizhakova Ekaterina1,Strizhakov Dmitriy1


1. Bryansk State Technical University


The institutes for implementing industrial policy in the Russian Federation at the present time are considered. The main activities of industrial policy, which are provided for by the Federal Law on Industrial Policy, are stated. The problems that arise in the process of carrying out industrial policy at different levels of government are analysed in detail. The paper shows that local governments do not have a budgetary interest and legally stipulated powers to fulfil industrial policy, the federal level of authority can mainly exercise universal managerial influences. Thus, it is established that at present only regional government bodies have the opportunity to carry out industrial policy measures, taking into account the characteristic features and the region problems. The paper suggests using the cubic spline function to assess the industrialization level and the factors influencing it, as well as the sensitivity coefficient to evaluate the managerial impact effectiveness on the industrial system. The presented criteria were tested in the process of assessing both the industrialization level and the state support activities for industry. The main factors of growing and developing the country’s industrial system are identified. Conclusions are drawn on the impact degree of the state programme of supporting industry and federal special-purpose programmes on target indicators for developing the country’s industry; prospects for further research are outlined.


Bryansk State Technical University BSTU


General Medicine

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