
Kulikov Mikhail1,Larionov Maksim2,Gusev Denis3,Shevchuk Evgeniy4


1. Institute of Design Technological Informatics of RAS

2. Institut konstruktorsko-tehnologicheskoy informatiki RAN

3. AO Nauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut tochnyh priborov

4. Rossiyskiy universitet transporta


On this account the purpose of this work became quality parameter support of products obtained with the aid of 3D-printing. By the authors there was carried out a series of investigations on samples manufactured on the Ultra 3 3D-printer of the Envision Tec. Company. The samples were manufactured in batches of seven samples in each. Each sample from the batch varied from each other with the growth angle α between the researched surface and a “contact window”, and also the thickness of the layer z. With the aid of the profile meter TR110 there was measured roughness and for a thorough analysis of roughness step dimensions there was used a probe microscope of SolverPro company operating in the mode of atomic-power microscopy. The data analysis helped to draw a conclusion on the nature of roughness formation at prototyping, and digital data obtained were accumulated in a table and with the aid of statistical processing there was deduced an equation of the roughness parameter dependence of the surface Ra upon initial technological parameters of the prototyping process. But further roughness improvement can be achieved with the combined shaping with the aid of additive technologies and further machining carried out on a single platform. Investigation methods: at the heart of the work underlie experimental methods of investigation. The investigations are carried out with the use of modern means of nondestructive control; with the use of methods of probe microscopy and standard methods of roughness measurement with the use of a profile meter. The processing of investigation results is carried out with the use of modern mathematical apparatus. Work novelty: there is defined the nature of roughness formation on the surface of a product manufactured with the aid of additive technologies at technological parameter variation of prototyping.


Bryansk State Technical University BSTU


General Earth and Planetary Sciences,General Environmental Science

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