1. Russian University of Transport
2. Institute of Design and Engineering Informatics of the Russian Academy of Sciences
3. Scientific Research Institute of Precision Instruments
The study objective is the problem of choosing a cooling method for abrasive machining of parts made of polymer and composite materials (PCM). The paper is devoted to the choice of effective use of lubricating coolants in spraying air-and-water mixture. The study is aimed at evaluating the effectiveness of the coolant supply method using the internal channels of the instrument. As a result of the study, the efficiency of the new cooling method is determined. Conclusions: the use of a new cooling method contributes to the rational distribution and movement of air-and-water mixture flows in a soft abrasive brush. The proposed cooling method makes it possible to supply the air-and-water mixture more precisely, eliminating the effect of moisture absorption by the polymer. The obtained spectrum of temperature distribution while modeling the flow of the air-and-water mixture shows that the efficiency of cooling the cutting zone when using internal channels is not inferior to the methods previously presented in the scientific literature, but at the same time has a number of technological advantages.
Bryansk State Technical University BSTU
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