Introduction:In recent years, scientific interest in generational differences has increased. More attention has been paid to the younger (Y generation) and to older workers (baby boom generation), little attention has been given to the X generation, composed of people who are between 35 and 50 years old. This paper aimed to examine the role of age in the relationship between diversity climate and job crafting, focusing on the middle aged (X generation).Objective and Methods:Based on lifespan development, self-regulation and job demands-resources theory, we postulated that the association between diversity climate and job crafting weakens with age. Specifically, we hypothesized that age can moderate the positive relationship between diversity climate and job crafting. The participants were 271 employees from different Italian organizations.Results:The results from hierarchical regression analysis showed that the relationship between diversity climate and job crafting is stronger in middle aged workers rather than in older workers.Conclusions:The findings suggest that diversity climate, in terms of organizational fairness, inclusion and personal diversity value can play a crucial role in the influence of job crafting which is, in turn, essential to improve positive organizational outcomes. Limitations and theoretical and operative implications are discussed.
Bentham Science Publishers Ltd.
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