1. Universidad de Guadalajara
Teachers look for suitable models that provide university students with the conditions and essential elements that stimulate the development of skills and competences for a lifetime. The concept of learning environments is not only to talk about infrastructure, materials or support resources, which in some way are important, but that in itself, the essence of this will depend on the initiative, creativity, capacity and interaction of the person who be at the forefront of the teaching-learning process that is the facilitator. The objective was to know the environment through which the student learns better as part of the appropriation of knowledge and knowledge construction. A group of student (n=40), of the course of Management of Animal Health and Welfare of the Veterinary Degree, was evaluated through a descriptive design through virtual environments (T1), within the classroom (2) and real environments (T3). The best environment being T3, followed by T1. The purpose of learning environments is to provide resources and develop conditions that contribute and facilitate the acquisition of knowledge. On the other hand, the learning processes well used contribute to the acquisition of learning while providing attitudes and values in the student.
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1 articles.