Bioeconomy as the modern paradigm of economic development


Kucher OlegORCID,


One of the most relevant scientific studies of social economic policy of countries around the world is the development of bio-oriented economy. Many countries are creating new models of innovative development, one of which is bioeconomy. The purpose of the study is to determine the priorities of implementation bioeconomics model of innovative development in Ukraine. The main task of the study is to outline the possibilities use of new innovative methods of production on the basis of development of a bio-oriented economy. General scientific and special research methods: method of theoretical generalization for the formation of their own approach to understanding of the new paradigm of economic development on a bioeconomics basis; morphological analysis to clarify the conceptual and categorical apparatus regarding the researched problem; method of system analysis for the study of scientific and legal principles bioeconomy development. The article describes a new direction of economic development at which is reused and recycled, conditions are created for multiple, cyclical use of resources that creates a basis for the formation of the bioeconomy. The necessity of using modern knowledge in economics is considered human activities to restore the environment on the basis of the latest production technologies and biological resources. Characterized State bioeconomics strategies of the EU and Ukraine for development bioeconomy. One should notice that the bioeconomy is considered a key basis of modern innovative areas of economic development. It is based on extensive use of biotechnology and the use of biological renewable resources for production and energy production. Attention is drawn to the fact that the priority areas of the bioeconomy are creating preconditions for the economical use of natural resources, minimization of environmental risks and integration of biotechnological knowledge in different sectors of the economy and the establishment of economic ties between industries that were not previously the subject of the study. It is concluded that the role of the core of the bioeconomy is performed by the rural economy, as it is the main raw material base. Bioeconomy based on biomass and biotechnology where the main components are renewable biomass sources, in particular of agricultural origin.


National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine

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