Today, the worldview trend in Ukraine is the active integration of scientists into the educational community, in the context of which there is a need to provide qualified specialists with a high level of English-language professional competence. The point is to improve the level and quality of training of specialists in higher education institutions of Ukraine who are able to professionally solve the problems facing the State and are able to protect its interests. The purpose of the article is to substantiate the features of the professional pedagogical competence of an English teacher. It has been found that the development of English language competence is a key condition for the training of a competitive specialist. In today's society, specialists with English language skills and abilities are more maneuverable and successful in the current legal environment. Such teachers effectively carry out extensive work activities, while being socially adapted at all times, and are in great demand among specialists in the international community. However, the issue of English language competence in the professional training of English teachers is still not sufficiently studied. The article presents a model of the key components of the English teacher's pedagogical competence, which is determined by the composition of such components as information, communicative, productive, autonomization, moral, psychological, subject matter, social, mathematical competence and personal qualities of the teacher. The article analyzes the qualitative language training of students on the use of modern educational technologies (multimedia technologies, information and communication, Internet resources in the context of forming students' audience competence), which involve the use of telecommunication and information technologies, in particular, in working with educational computer programs for learning foreign languages and using Internet resources.
National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine
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