Havrysh Oksana,Dramaretska Krystyna
In their activities, enterprises are under the influence of external environmental factors, which requires managers to develop and implement appropriate actions. It has proven that the effective functioning of the organization is impossible without stable development, the main element of which is the process of managing organizational changes. That is why, there is a need to make appropriate management decisions, which include the implementation of organizational changes.
The article reveals the role of a leader of organizational changes management in the enterprise. The interpretation of the concepts of "leadership" and "management" by Ukrainian and foreign scientists is given, common and different between them are established. Theoretical and practical approaches to the development of leadership in enterprises are analyzed. Models of organizational changes management and the possibilities of their application in enterprises are presented. Six tasks are presented, which management solves when implementing organizational changes, each of which requires a special management style.
The role of the manager-leader in organizational change is investigated and how his experience affects in the vision how to deal with change in order to obtain a successful result. It was established that the leader's authority is important for successfully overcoming resistance to organizational changes, in particular, his informal influence on the team
National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine
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