Rozbytska Tetyana,Tolok Halyna,Liu Xiaowei,Tyshchenko Liudmyla,Savchenko Oleksandr
The research results showed that the ISO 22000 and ISO 50001 standards are important standards of business management systems that do not contradict the principles of the organization and contribute to ensuring the high quality and safety of food products, as well as compliance with the principles of energy management if the requirements of these standards are fully met. The new versions of the standards are focused on the process approach as a key principle for the formation of integrated management systems. The article provides a structure of standards in the format of the Deming cycle (PDCA – plan, execute, check, act), which allows you to manage processes, determine and improve their capabilities. Therefore, the article theoretically substantiates and experimentally confirms the concept of a systemic approach to the management of the safety and quality of dairy products, based on the identification of influencing factors at various stages of their life cycle, optimization of production parameters, storage and sale of products by the requirements of the DSTU ISO 22000 and DSTU ISO 50001 standards. The article analyzes and systematizes research materials, including critical analysis and statistical data processing.
In addition, a model of an integrated system was developed. The conducted research was of great practical importance in the implementation of an integrated system of management of technological processes to ensure resource conservation and the safety of dairy products. Here are a few key aspects that highlight their importance: efficient use of resources, improving product safety, compliance with regulatory requirements, sustainability and environmental responsibility.
The implementation of an integrated system for managing technological processes to save resources and ensure the safety of dairy products has significant practical advantages for enterprises, consumers, and the environment. These advantages are manifested in the radical improvement of production efficiency, reduction of resource costs, improvement of product quality and safety, as well as in the preservation of natural resources and reduction of negative impact on the environment.
National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine
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