1. Paul V. Anderson , Sarah Heckman , Mladen Vouk , David Wright , Michael Carter , Janet E. Burge , and Gerald C. Gannod . 2015. CS/SE instructors can improve student writing without reducing class time devoted to technical content: experimental results . In 2015 IEEE/ACM 37th IEEE International Conference on Software Engineering , Vol. 2 . IEEE, 455--464. Paul V. Anderson, Sarah Heckman, Mladen Vouk, David Wright, Michael Carter, Janet E. Burge, and Gerald C. Gannod. 2015. CS/SE instructors can improve student writing without reducing class time devoted to technical content: experimental results. In 2015 IEEE/ACM 37th IEEE International Conference on Software Engineering, Vol. 2. IEEE, 455--464.
2. Charles Bazerman and Joseph Little . 2005. Reference guide to writing across the curriculum . Parlor Press LLC. Charles Bazerman and Joseph Little. 2005. Reference guide to writing across the curriculum. Parlor Press LLC.
3. Why computer science students need language
4. Characterizing communication instruction in computer science and engineering programs: Methods and applications