1. Hans Aebli. 1965. Grundformen des Lehrens: ein Beitrag zur psychologischen Grundlegung der Unterrichtsmethode. (1965). Hans Aebli. 1965. Grundformen des Lehrens: ein Beitrag zur psychologischen Grundlegung der Unterrichtsmethode. (1965).
2. Enhancing teaching through constructive alignment
3. Clickers in the Large Classroom: Current Research and Best-Practice Tips
4. Catherine L Caldwell-Harris and Ayse Aycicegi . 2006. When personality and culture clash: The psychological distress of allocentrics in an individualist culture and idiocentrics in a collectivist culture. Transcultural psychiatry 43, 3 ( 2006 ), 331--361. Catherine L Caldwell-Harris and Ayse Aycicegi. 2006. When personality and culture clash: The psychological distress of allocentrics in an individualist culture and idiocentrics in a collectivist culture. Transcultural psychiatry 43, 3 (2006), 331--361.
5. Do Away with the Frankensteinian Programs! A Proposal for a Genuine SE Education