1. ~BUDD T A. AND ANGLUIN D Two notions of correctness and their relatmn to testing. Acta ~Inf. 18 1 (Nov 1982) 31-45. ~BUDD T A. AND ANGLUIN D Two notions of correctness and their relatmn to testing. Acta ~Inf. 18 1 (Nov 1982) 31-45.
2. ~BUDD T. DEMILLO R. A. LIPTON R. J. AND SAYWARD F. G. Theoretical and empirical ~studies on using program mukation to test the functiona} correctness of programs. In ~Proceedtngs of the 1980 ACM Pri clples of Programming Languages Symposzum ACM New ~York 1980 220-233. 10.1145/567446.567468 ~BUDD T. DEMILLO R. A. LIPTON R. J. AND SAYWARD F. G. Theoretical and empirical ~studies on using program mukation to test the functiona} correctness of programs. In ~Proceedtngs of the 1980 ACM Pri clples of Programming Languages Symposzum ACM New ~York 1980 220-233. 10.1145/567446.567468
3. ~CLARKE L.A. A system to generate test data and symbohcally execute programs JEEE ~rans Sofiw. E g. 2 3 (Sept. 1976) 215 222. ~CLARKE L.A. A system to generate test data and symbohcally execute programs JEEE ~rans Sofiw. E g. 2 3 (Sept. 1976) 215 222.