1. Deloura M. The White House Education Game Jam. 2014. https://www.whitehouse.gov/blog/2014/10/06/white-house-education-game-jam Deloura M. The White House Education Game Jam. 2014. https://www.whitehouse.gov/blog/2014/10/06/white-house-education-game-jam
2. Dillon J. Dranove D. Halpern E. Hantoot B. Munk D. Pinsof D. Temkin M. Weinstein E. Cards Against Humanity. {Card Game}. Ad Magic Inc. 2011. Dillon J. Dranove D. Halpern E. Hantoot B. Munk D. Pinsof D. Temkin M. Weinstein E. Cards Against Humanity. {Card Game}. Ad Magic Inc. 2011.