1. Brown J. M. Lindgaard G. and Biddle R. Joint implicit alignment work of interaction designers and software developers. 693--702 Brown J. M. Lindgaard G. and Biddle R. Joint implicit alignment work of interaction designers and software developers. 693--702
2. Dalsgaard P. and Halskov K. Tangible 3D tabletops: combining tangible tabletop interaction and 3D projection. 109--118. Dalsgaard P. and Halskov K. Tangible 3D tabletops: combining tangible tabletop interaction and 3D projection. 109--118.
3. Giusti L. Xerxes K. Schladow A. Wallen N. Zane F. and Casalegno F. Workspace configurations: setting the stage for remote collaboration on physical tasks. 351--360. Giusti L. Xerxes K. Schladow A. Wallen N. Zane F. and Casalegno F. Workspace configurations: setting the stage for remote collaboration on physical tasks. 351--360.
4. Grubert J. Grasset R. and Reitmayr G. Exploring the design of hybrid interfaces for augmented posters in public spaces. 238--246. Grubert J. Grasset R. and Reitmayr G. Exploring the design of hybrid interfaces for augmented posters in public spaces. 238--246.
5. Gonzalez B. Carroll E. and Latulipe C. Dance-inspired technology technology-inspired dance. 398--407. Gonzalez B. Carroll E. and Latulipe C. Dance-inspired technology technology-inspired dance. 398--407.